San Diego Community

“The Mankind Project of San Diego is a committed, diverse and vital community empowering men and women to live in integrity, authenticity and service. We are creating a world of love, healing and growing consciousness.”

We empower men and women to live to their full potential, trusting that they will co-create the healthy solutions needed by society. We foster Loving Families, Strong Communities, and Productive Workplaces in a sustainable environment.

There are more than 1898 New Warriors in the San Diego Community. New Warriors are men that have been initiated through attending a Warrior Adventure Training Weekend. The weekend programs are held in San Diego, throughout the United States and Internationally.



Our intention is twofold. To enable men to live lives of integrity, accountability, and connection to feeling. To be of service to the community at large, both as individual men with a renewed sense of passion and personal responsibility, and as communities of men working together to build sustainable relationships.

Men who have completed the New Warrior Training Adventure, or state their intention to do so within a specific time period, are eligible to join an Integration-Group (I-Group). Integration Groups vary in their admission policies, but generally invite men who are currently known to members, or have completed the weekend training. These groups generally meet once a week in the evening, and are a continuation of the process of doing personal work around life issues raised during the weekend, and that arise in one’s own personal life journey. At this time there are 14 Integration-Groups that meet weekly in San Diego. Additional groups meet on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. The Integration-Group allows men the opportunity to stay connected to the MKP Men’s Community and to important issues in their own lives.

Southern California - San Diego Community Contacts